Stata Installation

Create a folder for your Stata installation file:

mkdir /home/ubuntu/stata_source

Download the Stata tar file for Linux.

Upload the tar file to the /home/ubuntu/stata_source folder just created (using BitVise's SFTP interface for example). You may need to give writing priviledges to the folder you just created by

sudo chmod -R a+rwx /home/ubuntu/stata_source

Obtain administrative rights by requesting root access:

sudo -i

Unzip the tar file in the /tmp/statafiles folder:

cd /tmp/
mkdir statafiles
cd statafiles
tar -zxf /home/ubuntu/stata_source/Stata16Linux64.tar.gz

Create /usr/local/stata16 directory for installing Stata for all users:

cd /usr/local
mkdir stata16

Install Stata. Enter licensing information when prompted:

cd /usr/local/stata16

After installation, you will be prompted to initialize Stata:


Ubuntu users will need an additional package for Stata to work:

apt-get install libncurses5

Edit the Ubuntu system paths to include Stata for all users. Open the profile in nano:

nano /etc/profile

Type the following into the bottom of the document as depicted below.

export PATH="/usr/local/stata16:$PATH"

Use CTRL+O then enter to overwrite the document and CTRL+X to exit.

Refresh the paths to include Stata by typing:

source /etc/profile

Last updated